Who is Perth Computer Help?
Who is Perth Computer Help?

Perth Computer Help
EST 2003 ABN 90304776024
CURRENT WAIT TIME FOR COMPLETION OF JOB: 1-4 days. Click for more info.
Newsletter emailed to clients December 2015, specially formatted here for web viewing

Hello everyone,
As the Christmas/​festive season approaches I'd like to take this opportunity firstly to thank all my awesome clients and wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Thankyou to those people that have replied to my 'address book cleanup' and let me know you're still happy to receive these occasional email updates.
As always I'm going to remind you all to ensure your backup procedures are in place and working well. If you don't know whether they are working properly then you could be at risk of losing your data in the event of a disaster striking your computer.
Windows 10 has now been rolling out to people for a few months. There were definitely some early issues but these have seemed to be fixed and fewer people are having troubles with the upgrade now than in the early stages. When people ask me if they should upgrade I tell them it's really difficult for me to make that decision for them. If you're on Windows 8.1 then the upgrade is most likely well worth it, if your on Windows 7 then maybe it's not so worth it. It will still be a free upgrade until the end of July 2016 so plenty of time to take the plunge. Also, you can undo the upgrade to Windows 10 within 30 days if you decide to.
In the new year my rate for on-site visits will increase to $120/hr to most suburbs. Local suburbs for me (East Victoria Park and surrounds) will stay at $110/hr and the price for bringing a computer to me will stay at $100/hr. (Ask about pensioner rates if that applies to you) I'm making an effort to do less driving both to use less fuel and simply avoid the hassles and annoyances that driving brings. I'm offering existing clients a package deal of 3 onsite visits at a reduced rate of $100 each, or 5 visits at $90 each. If you're interested in pre-purchasing visits please get in touch.
I'm also going to offer scheduled servicing where I'll come to your home or office (or via remote login if desired) and perform general cleanups on your machine(s). This would include but not be limited to:-
virus and malware scans and cleanups
removal of junk software/browser toolbars
removal of temporary files
confirm windows updates status
confirm backups are working
confirm antivirus/anti malware is up to date and working
physical clean out of the computer case with air compressor
confirm internet speeds are optimum
confirm WiFi is still secure (sometimes modems drop the security after power failures etc)
plus more and anything else specific to your computer setup
For careful or conservative computer users if I came out to you once a year would probably be enough but for some people, especially those who install programs themselves like games, video and music editing/downloading etc then 6 monthly visits might be best. This allows us to fix small issues before they become big issues.
​For those people that don't know I have moved to a new location in East Victoria Park. It can be a bit confusing to find as the actual entry is off a laneway with no name :( But most of you have found your way fine.​ My new office has been setup to allow me to be much more efficient and comfortable.
Hopefully this final update for the​ year has not been too long/boring. I haven't been very active on my Facebook page lately but it would still be great if people popped over there and liked my page, maybe leave some comments or feedback. You can also give me comments or feedback by replying to this email or via the website, www.perthcomputerhelp.
I'm pretty much available any time over the Christmas period except maybe Xmas Eve, Xmas Day, NY eve and NY day. Hoping 2016 is my busiest year ever and you all are my best form of advertising with your referrals and repeat work and I thank you for both :D
As always if you no longer want to receive these emails, or you'd rather I use a different email address or anything else just let me know.
Have a great Christmas/holiday and I look forward to helping you soon!