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Who is Perth Computer Help?

Perth Computer Help
EST 2003 ABN 90304776024
CURRENT WAIT TIME FOR COMPLETION OF JOB: 1-4 days. Click for more info.
Newsletter emailed to clients June 2014, specially formatted here for web viewing
Hello Everyone!
It's been an extremely busy time for me and I apologize to those who I have not been able to get out and see as promptly as usual. There has been quite a flood of upgrades due to Windows XP being retired. It's good that people have heeded the advice and not continued using the Windows XP operating system as it is quite unsafe to continue using especially connected to internet. If you're still refusing to upgrade your Windows XP machine, I urge you think again about upgrading as all support for Windows XP has stopped and any security loopholes in it will not be fixed and you're extremely vulnerable to attacks from malicious software.
Windows 8 has now been the operating system of choice for around 18 months. It has had it's first major update (Windows 8.1) and another smaller update (Windows 8.1 Update 1), both of which have actually restored aspects to the operating system that many people complained had been removed. Windows 8 can be a bit daunting 'out of the box' as it does definitely do some things differently, but with tweaking it can be setup to behave a lot more like previous versions of Windows and be less of a pain to use.
You might recall in my last email that I will unavailable for work from 31st May to approximately the 13th June. So I ask you all to plan any computer servicing or upgrades to be done before or after these dates. I will be contactable at only some times while I'm away due to possible lack of phone/internet reception, sms or emails will probably be best.
My reason for being away is to take part in the Sh1tbox Rally which is a bunch of "Sh1tbox" cars (which must be valued under $1000) driving 3500km from Perth to Darwin via the Kimberley to raise money for the Cancer Council. 250 teams enter in the rally and this is the 5th year it has been run. It is the biggest fundraiser for Cancer Council and aims to raise $1.4 million this year. Myself and good friend Bruce Muller (thankfully a mechanic) will be driving a 1975 Valiant wagon, affectionately named Mr Hankey, inspired by it's lovely brown duco. It's the 2nd year the car has competed in the Rally, last year driving from Adelaide to Fremantle.
Many of you have already donated some fantastic amounts and we're extremely grateful to you all!! The keen eyed ones might notice Im calling it the Sh1tbox in this email.... didn't want any of your email filters to block me :) If you're not comfortable calling it by it's actual name, call it the poobox I suppose.

We're around $2500 away from our goal amount of $10,000 and we would greatly appreciate any donations or sponsorship from anybody. If we raise a good amount there is a greater chance the car will be invited back to participate next year to make it 3 times in a row!! Though with new drivers to allow someone new to share the experience.
Donations can be made here... or if you'd be interested in getting your company name on the car and associated websites/facebook/newsletters/tshirts/tattoos/whatever-you-want then you can sponsor us in packages of $250, $500 or $1000 (or more if you're keen!). Just get in touch for more information!
Those who donate or sponsor will be able to sign up for our email/youtube updates from the rally which promises to be a pretty fun and exciting time for us!
If you'd like any more information about the rally or Cancer Council please feel free to get in touch.
Please also feel free to forward this on to anyone you think might be able to help out!
To be removed from any future emails about the Sh1tbox Rally just reply to this email with 'remove' somewhere in the subject or body of the email.