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Who is Perth Computer Help?

Perth Computer Help
EST 2003 ABN 90304776024
CURRENT WAIT TIME FOR COMPLETION OF JOB: 1-4 days. Click for more info.
Newsletter emailed to clients October 2020
An Assistant, Websites and Hot-Rodding your Computer!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.
As part of the recent changes that happened around the Covid lockdown times I have taken on an assistant. This has enabled me to hand ball some parts of the job and also increase capacity for certain tasks. Some of you will already have been dealing with Carol as she helps with accounts but also building websites, like the recent djpalmerfencing.com.au site. We would like to do more websites so please let us know if we can help with anyones website or refer us to anyone you think might be interested. Search results rely on many factors such as whether the content on your website is current so it's important to update your site regularly. So if you just want your existing website tweaked or want to drive more traffic to your site, let us know.
It's always a good time to remind you to check your backup procedure. Whether it's in the cloud or to an external hard drive or similar, is it definitely working the way you expect it to be? Would you be able to recover quickly from a disaster? Remember, if your backup drive is always connected to your computer it could become victim to any disaster that might hit your computer so an ideal backup is at least in another room of the house or kept off site completely.
We've been doing more and more work on Macs recently, including screen and battery swaps and SSD upgrades on older machines to get them running faster. Keep us in mind for any work you need done on your iMac or MacBook. Also some more gaming consoles are coming through which is a new challenge for me. Modern consoles are pretty much just 'personal computers' so the troubleshooting is often the same as for a computer, just the parts look a bit different and the 'stress testing' after the repairs can be a bit more fun :P
It's been a bit surprising to see that some people are actually still running Windows 7 (even had a Vista computer come through recently). Running an old version of Windows that is no longer supported by Microsoft is really not ideal and can potentially be quite dangerous as security loopholes will no longer be fixed. Hackers and viruses will target these weaker computers and we will never know quite how dangerous it is so my advice is definitely not to do any online banking on a Windows 7 computer. To upgrade to Windows 10 does not require purchasing a new license as long as you do have a legal license of Windows 7 (or 8.1).
Another fun thing we're looking at offering is custom paint jobs for your computer tower, either your existing tower or when you get a new computer. Carol has done a mockup in her favourite colour, check the pics to see how it can look! So let us know if you want to hotrod your computer up!
Look forward to helping out soon!